Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells, an American actress, was brought up in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is now based in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her performance in 1985's Back to the Future film as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl friend. Wells was also featured on Stop the Madness a Reagan-sponsored anti-drug video with a host of celebrities including actors, musicians and athletes. Next, in 1985 she starred in the TV film Babies Having Babies. Also that year, she was the role of the main character in Fast Times a television version of Fast Times in Ridgemont High. Claudia even though she was moving along a smooth path towards success in the entertainment industry, took a short rest when she found out her mother was suffering from cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is currently working on over 50 credits on screen, television and stage. The real career of her as an actress is yet to be discovered. Claudia looks for roles that have grit but also challenge the norms. Claudia Wells oversees Armani Wells, a men's luxury clothing store. To find out more, go to the website

Kelly Nash has been a sports journalist and broadcaster in the US for many years. Kelly Nash who currently works for MLB and NHL Networks, has become considered to be one of America's most well-known sports stars. Kelly was raised and educated within South Carolina. She graduated from Clemson University in the year 2000 with the degree of bachelor's and pursued a master's degree in broadcasting journalism from the University of Miami. Kelly loved the television and found it glamorous. In her earliest years she longed to be a journalist for some of the channels. Right after finishing her education she began working for ACC Digital Network as a Production Assistant and as an intern. After her training was complete after which she was employed at Fox Sports Florida. The hard work she put in paid off and she climbed to become a reporter on MLB Network. It is America's biggest sports news network. As a current co-host of the most watched show on the network The Rundown. She has an enormous fan following and is in constant contact with them via her social media profiles.

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